Blogmas Day 14 // T5W - Series that get worse by book

A very merry Christmas to you on this grand old day in December! For this week's T5W I'll be sharing the series I think that get worse as they progress. There's a little problem, nothing major except that I don't have five series to talk about. I only have four. I guess this just means that I read a lot of great books and haven't been too disappointed yet! Shall we begin?

4. Divergent by Veronica Roth
When I first read this series I actually really enjoyed both Divergent and Insurgent which isn't always the popular view. Many people hate on Insurgent for having second book slump but I remember really liking the story as I was reading it. Good things don't always last, however, and I found Allegiant to be a bit of a let down. There was nothing wrong with the events that took place, but I felt that the characters reacted poorly and it made the last section of the book drag. Also, that dodgy dual PoV was not enjoyable to read.

3. The Maze Runner by James Dashner
I wasn't a fan of this series from the get go and I have to say it was hard to put up with the characters for the whole trilogy. To be honest, I think I only persevered because I thought it may get better at the end. It didn't. The ending was boring and way too convenient considering all the trials and tribulations the characters had gone through. I just wasn't happy. It may have been a while since I read them, but I'm pretty sure there was an unnecessary love triangle thrown in there as well. Why do that?

2. To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee
It feels silly to have a list of series that get worse without mentioning the disaster that was Go Set A Watchman. TKAM was an absolutely beautiful novel and is my favourite stand-alone of all time. Why was there a need to publish the sequel that so many publishers turned down? It wasn't published for a reason, and I get a little upset when I think about it. Atticus Finch was a hero in TKAM but in GSAW we see that he's no better than the rest of the town. It broke my heart. I have to say that Lee's morals come through wonderfully in both books despite this.

1. The Cousins' War by Philippa Gregory
I didn't read this series in publication order so my opinion of it getting worse by book is a reflection on the order I read them in and I'm sure I may have had a different opinion if I'd read them in the publication order. I started with The Kingmaker's Daughter which is my favourite of the three I've read so far and finished with The Red Queen having read The White Queen between them. The problem with this series is that you are essentially being told the same story three times from each woman's perspective. I think this was an interesting view to take but due to their strong opinions of each other it's difficult to like the other women when reading their books.

There's my top 4 Wednesday (I feel like I'm breaking all the rules) and I'm looking forward to next week's topic which will be a lot of fun to write! Hope you have a lovely day

Happy reading,
Amelia x


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