My TBR // How I remember the books I have to read

Oh, I bet this is unexpected, a post not too long after the last one? I must be taking that schedule thing seriously!

Today I wanted to talk to you about my TBR and what I use to make sure all the books I have to read are updated. Maybe this will be helpful, maybe it's just some basic knowledge, either way I hope you enjoy and tell me which book is the one you most want to read next!


Unless you've been living under a rock, or have just discovered the book community, everyone knows about Goodreads. It's a website where you can document you're reading and virtually "shelve" books. There's also giveaways, lists and reviews which gives a vast choice on how you want to use the site. 

For me, I always keep the Currently Reading shelf updated so that the books I'm reading have reasonably accurate dates for starting and finishing. The Read shelf is split into years (well, for 2015 and 2016 that is) but other than that, it's a bit of a free for all. 

But, the shelf you're interested in, mainly because it's the focus of the blog post is the Want to Read shelf. I like to split this shelf into two categories: Current TBR and Wishlist. This is only for my physical books because adding all the eBooks would panic me at all the unread things I have waiting for me. This means the Current TBR shelf is reasonably small whilst the Wishlist one is slightly out of control! I do this so I can keep a basic idea of what books I want to buy in the future and which ones I need to get to soon!


I wasn't a big list maker until recent months when lists have become everyone's aesthetic. Now, I like to keep track of CDs and movies as well as books. My biggest problem with my TBR is that I tend to forget about my Kindle books so don't end up reading them, even though they're some of the books I'm most excited for. This is why I decided to write down all the books on my Kindle and physical shelves so that I could keep an eye on what I have to read.

The list is currently right next to where I sleep so I've got a great view of all the books I have to read and it makes choosing my next title much easier. 

I've also included a handy key so I know whether the book is physical or not. This means I'll be able to decrease my eTBR pile as quickly as I diminish the physical one!

If you'd like, I can publish a full list of all the books I have to read at a later date but you'll have to let me know if that's something you're interested in as it isn't a priority!

How do you keep track of your TBRs? Let me know!

Happy reading,
A x


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