Revision Techniques >>> Filing

When it comes to revision, we often focus on making sheets and cards with bits of information on them, but it's also good to remember that we also need to look through our old notes. Today, I wanted to discuss with you some of the ways I keep my filing secure so that I have all of my different sheets and work in one place.

One of the first things you'll want to do is decide how you want to split up your subjects. I recently had to make a slight adjustment about how I was organising mine as the folder I'd been using to collectively store three subjects was full up. I've now got each subject in a separate folder. My essay subjects each get a marble grey lever arch binder whilst maths is in a smaller folder (you don't need as many resources for maths). This is a great way of getting organised as it means you don't have to rummage about wondering which subject a sheet is for. Folders are usually cheap to come by, Tesco sells lever arch folders at a reasonable rate which is where I bought mine.

Once you've split your subjects up, I like to colour code things. Each of my four subjects has a different colour which I use on my box files (where I keep my books), my timetable and on the big lever arch folders I was just telling you about. By colour coding you're removing the possibility of misplacing important work as it will match the subject it belongs to.

I'd also recommend that you create checklists to put into each of your folders. This may not be something you check off as you study something in lesson or file it away but a way to track the revision you're doing so that you know what you've covered and what you still need to check.

In terms of filing itself, that's all the tips I have for you. But, within these filing systems I do other things that help to keep me organised. For example, in my maths folder, I rewrite the notes for each subtopic and colour code them. This will be pretty handy to have when I need to go back to the topics we studied at the beginning of the year to revise for the end of year exams. Also, I find that rewriting things helps me to remember topics due to the muscle memory.

Of course, the other obvious thing to do once you've set out your filing system is to print out the specifications for each of your subjects. This offers a way for you to keep on track with what you're studying and provides a great base to revise from. I often tick off or underline the parts we've covered so I know what there is left to learn.

Hopefully this insight into my filing system will help you out with keeping organised now that exams are almost upon us. Let's just not think about it for the moment, please.

I hope you have a lovely day
Happy reading,
Amelia x


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